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Having Confidence to Be Yourself
Fulfillment & Self-Actualization Svetlana Dimovski Fulfillment & Self-Actualization Svetlana Dimovski

Having Confidence to Be Yourself

Do you sometimes feel you are sharing different parts of yourself in different situations – but not quite sharing all of yourself? It can be uncomfortable or even scary to share your true self in all settings and situations but ultimately it can be empowering and because you are expanding authentically, it can be relaxing. When you no longer feel you need to worry about the perceptions of others, you can just be yourself and feel satisfied and fulfilled.

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7 Ways to Boost your Self-Confidence in 7 Days
Coaching & Transformation Svetlana Dimovski Coaching & Transformation Svetlana Dimovski

7 Ways to Boost your Self-Confidence in 7 Days

The benefits of a healthy amount of self-confidence are many. When you’re self-assured, it’s easier to achieve your goals, others are naturally drawn toward your charisma, and you feel more comfortable in any situation. Life is easier with self-confidence.

Do you wish you had greater self-confidence? Luckily, increased self-confidence is just a week away.

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8 Daily Habits to Enhance Your Self-Development
Creativity & Peak Performance Svetlana Dimovski Creativity & Peak Performance Svetlana Dimovski

8 Daily Habits to Enhance Your Self-Development

Some things matter more than others. Since your time is so limited, it’s wise to use your time as effectively as possible. You can’t do everything, but you can do the things that matter the most.

Fortunately, many of the most important things are also easy to do. If you’re serious about taking your self-development to the next level, there are things you can do that will give you the best bang for your time.

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The Art of Giving Up

The Art of Giving Up

Our culture encourages a never give up attitude. While that might be a good philosophy to live by the majority of the time, there comes a time when it makes sense to throw in the towel. No one wants to be a quitter, but quitting is actually the smartest choice in some circumstances. Is it time to give up? Let’s find out.

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Practicing Self-Regulation: Skills and Strategies
Health & Wellness Svetlana Dimovski Health & Wellness Svetlana Dimovski

Practicing Self-Regulation: Skills and Strategies

One of the most impressive signs of a truly evolved and self-aware adult is the ability to self-regulate. This refers to the ability to make intelligent and nurturing decisions regarding your thoughts, words, and actions. It’s the ability to avoid acting on impulses.

People who self-regulate well are less likely to have tumultuous lives, overeat, or make regretful short-term decisions. Those with self-regulation skills also have self-agency and governance of their emotions.

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11 Powerful Benefits of Optimism

11 Powerful Benefits of Optimism

Everyone falls somewhere on the sliding scale between pessimism and optimism. There are advantages to each, but on average, optimism is a more nurturing solution. Optimism has so many benefits and can enhance your life in numerous ways.

You might consider optimism as a trait. Optimism, however, is a skill that can be developed through awareness, knowledge, and practice. Cultivating an optimistic perspective increases personal agency and your capacity to deal with headwinds and curveballs of life that are imminent.

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The Lost Art of Listening
Fulfillment & Self-Actualization Svetlana Dimovski Fulfillment & Self-Actualization Svetlana Dimovski

The Lost Art of Listening

With all the modern technology that we have for communicating with each other even across the world, it seems that most people have forgotten how to communicate clearly with someone who’s standing right next to them. In particular, listening has become a lost art.

That’s too bad, too, because knowing how to listen effectively can bring you a lot of benefits. It can strengthen both personal and professional relationships. It can help your marriage and boost your career.

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