Ways to Build Your Self-Confidence

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Belief in yourself can be your most valuable resource. Believing in yourself is a mindset that gives you motivation and helps you reach your goals. Here are some tips for building your belief in yourself.

The Skill of Self-Confidence

Confidence (also “self-confidence”) is a skill that you can develop.

  1. Review your achievements. It’s easy to forget how far you’ve come and what you’ve achieved. Make a list of your accomplishments, giving yourself credit for both your major accomplishments and the incremental progress you make each day.

  2. Set goals. Creating specific and compelling long-term and short-term goals. When the goals are complete add them to your achievements list, remembering that making the effort is just as important as the end results.

  3. Change your inner dialogue. We are often our harshest critics and can be hard on ourselves. Be mindful of your inner dialogue and choose words that encourage and inspire you. Working with a coach can help you create a practical way from self-judgment to self-compassion and self-confidence.

  4. Continue learning. Lifelong learning can build your confidence. Follow your passions by learning more about them and applying what you learn. Find resources online, read books, and find a community of people interested in your passion. You could also work toward certifications or other qualifications to build your expertise.

  5. Be positive. You can build your confidence by cultivating an attitude of gratitude and hope. Try starting your day with a moment of gratitude and thankfulness. Savor the small pleasures of the day as it unfolds.


Your daily choices reflect how much you value yourself. Try adopting habits to bolster your physical and mental well-being.

  1. Exercise. Physical activity reduces stress and increases the hormones that help you to feel calm and happy. Work toward having at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise each week.

  2. Food. It’s easier to have confidence when your energy levels are high and your blood sugar is stable. A diet rich in nutritious whole foods, including plenty of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains will enhance your energy levels. It is also beneficial to avoid excess salt and sugar.

  3. Sleep. Your body and mind need 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep each night. Stick to a consistent bedtime and practicing good “sleep hygiene (a dark and quiet bedroom, avoiding heavy meals at night, and avoiding screens before bed) can help you have a more restful sleep.

  4. Stress. Learn constructive techniques for coping with daily stress. In addition to exercise, listen to relaxing music or consider developing a daily self-care practice.


Believing in yourself also means being realistic. Relying on others can sometimes be a sign of wisdom and strength.

  1. Advocate for yourself. Develop mutually supportive relationships that are based on healthy boundaries where you can ask for help when you need it. Communicate tactfully and directly and allow yourself to be vulnerable.

  2. Network. Build a strong system of personal and professional contacts that you can tap into when you need support – and where you can, in turn, support others. Join clubs and go to places where you can meet others who share your interests. Nurture relationships by keeping in touch and being willing to communicate on a deeper level where you share your thoughts and feelings.

  3. Find a mentor or coach. Working with a trusted advisor is a great way to gain guidance and valuable feedback about your career path and the challenges of life. Look for someone you can relate to and be respectful of their time. You can start with someone you know or ask your contacts for introductions.

  4. Be generous. Giving to others can increase your self-confidence in many ways. In addition to feeling connected, you’ll discover that you have strengths that can make a positive impact on the world and your community.


Believe in yourself and your ability to learn and grow. Embrace and honor yourself for who you are. If you would like to explore how coaching can assist with building your confidence, please explore our Membership program, or request a no-obligation customized coaching proposal.


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