Unleashing Your Hidden Mental Strength

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When life is running along smoothly, we don’t always notice our mental strength. However, when you encounter a challenging life event your mental strength can be challenging.

There are several techniques you can use to help build your mental strength. Mental strength manifests differently depending on our individual personalities. Try some of these techniques for increasing your mental stamina.

  1. Practice mindfulness. Be mindful of your feelings and thoughts and how your beliefs impact your decisions. Are there beliefs that are not serving you? Can you identify more constructive ways of coaching?

  2. Be conscientious. Focus on remaining true to your core values and principles. Be conscientious about organizing your life, taking your responsibilities to others seriously, and following through on your plans.

  3. Develop patience. In our busy lives, we often experience annoyances and delays. Having patience can be a powerful strength, enhancing your ability to stay calm and choose your actions. Practice slowing down and considering your options.

  4. Nurture your mental flexibility. Being flexible and open to change allows you to adjust your thinking and adapt to new circumstances. Try reframing your attitude allows you to see change as an opportunity rather than a disruption.

  5. Live authentically. Focus on your authentic self by identifying what really matters to you. Understand your strengths and celebrate your unique gifts.

Positive Habits That Build Mental Strength

Similarly, you can build positive habits to build your mental strength, and train your mind to adapt to pressure.

  1. Delay gratification. A famous study showed that children who could resist eating one treat now in order to receive two treats later performed better in school and enjoyed more success in later life. Good things are worth waiting for.

  2. Become comfortable with discomfort. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by frustration, and the urge can be to resist the frustration, which can make feelings become intensely unpleasant. When experiencing frustration, practice letting go of your resistance so you can experience the discomfort from a clearer perspective.

  3. Prioritize. Channel your mental powers efficiently by devoting your time and energy to activities that are meaningful and fulfilling.

  4. Motivation. It’s easier to work hard when you’re doing it for reasons that you find compelling instead of trying to please others. Maybe you want to quit smoking in order to save money or have more years to spend with your grandchildren.

  5. Build your confidence. Mental strength grows with self-confidence.  Build your confidence by pursuing goals that are realistic and ambitious and by surrounding yourself with family and friends who encourage you.

  6. Take care of your body. Working on your physical fitness not only strengthens your muscles but can also build your mental fitness. Also, care for your body and mental fitness by being mindful to also eat nourishing whole foods and go to bed on a consistent schedule.

  7. Be positive. Positivity has the ability to alter the brain and help you build mental strength.  Reduce stress by having a positive mindset and using positive self-talk to affirm your worth.

  8. Be persistent. Developing your mental strength is a lifelong pursuit. By persevering through ups and downs, and overcoming obstacles you can build your strength

Building up your mental strength and believing in yourself can help you develop the inner resources to respond to challenges when they arise. For additional ideas and tools to get you started, please visit our Free Resources page.


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