Adding Spontaneity to Your Life

Photo Credits: Unsplash

Most of us are creatures of habit who like to create routines for ourselves to help us get things done. Sometimes, too much routine can leave us feeling bored or regimented and wanting something more to life. Becoming more spontaneous can add spice and adventure to your life and help you to leave boredom behind.

Here are some easy things you can do to add spontaneity to your life.

Try things that you think you can’t do. We often live with limiting beliefs, many of which come from childhood. What if you really could do one of those things you thought you couldn’t do? Give it a try and you might find a freedom that you never knew you had!

Look at the world as though you were a child. Rather than saying no to everything new, throw yourself into the unknown with the curiosity of a child. Switch your perspective!

Make small changes to your regular routines. It’s easy to add spontaneous moments as a way to make unexpected discoveries. Try taking a different route when you are out for a run, on your commute, or running errands – take a different street and see what you find! Or try doing something out of order as a way of shaking up your routine. Maybe have breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast - eat dessert first! Add in some extra time for relaxation.

Make random choices. When it comes to making decisions, try something like a coin flip to decide which option to take.

Explore new activities. You’ll add some spontaneity to your life.  Let someone else choose the movie. Explore a place in your city that you’ve never been – is there a tourist attraction you’ve never visited? Do you always take the same kind of vacation? Try a different kind of destination. Do you usually go to the beach? Maybe try a vacation in the mountains! Plan to visit a new country or city. Consider trying a new hobby – would you like to learn to dance? Paint? Learn an instrument? Give it a try!

Dare yourself to do something that you’ve been afraid to try. Taking that chance will help you to conquer your fears, and help you add new experiences that can enrich your life.

Becoming more spontaneous doesn’t mean that you need to stop making plans or thinking long-term. Just leave a little room for slight changes and do something differently.


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