The Power of Persistence

Photo Credits: Unsplash

We all face challenges in life and some of them can feel very daunting. One of the most powerful skills we can possess to help overcome challenges is persistence. The ability to persist can be more valuable or useful than talent or intelligence.  Here are some ideas to think about:

  1. Many major goals or tasks can have unpleasant aspects that can impact your motivation. Focus on the feeling that you believe you’ll have when the goal or task is accomplished to help you persist through the challenging times.

  2. Ideas can be overrated. Most of the highly successful people you personally know or read about didn’t have a great idea. They had an acceptable idea that they worked on each day. For them, persistence - not brilliance -was the key to success.

  3. Become a skilled expert. You can become skilled at anything with practice. When you are persistent in practicing your skill, you build your expertise as you overcome challenges and failures along the way.

  4. Persistence opens the door to self-reflection. As you keep working toward your goal, you’ll encounter challenges you may not have expected, giving you the opportunity to reflect on where you may want to build your skills or seek assistance.

  5. When you practice persistence, you nurture a key component of success that is entirely within your control. Many people have dreams and goals that are never realized because they were not persistent.

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