Living Courageously

Photo Credits: Unsplash

When we live courageously, we tap into our ability to overcome adversity.  Living courageously is a skill we can develop to help us live a more fulfilled life. Here are some ways to build your ability to live courageously.


Take some time to reflect on your positive and negative traits. Be frank with yourself and reflect on the parts of yourself that you think need to be improved. Do you acknowledge your faults, or do you make excuses or blame others or situations?

Take a few minutes to sit alone and reflect each day for a week. Each day write down your reflections and observations. Be mindful of your feelings each day and what triggered those feelings. How did you react? Reflect on the source of those reactions – was it your compassionate, loving side or from your less compassionate and loving side?

It can take courage to examine your innermost thoughts, but once you know and accept all of your qualities, you can strive to enhance your strengths and lessen those qualities you find less desirable.

Follow Your Ideas

Living courageously involves living in harmony with your values and ideals. Practice courage in your daily life by demonstrating your values in both big and small ways. When you make a mistake, own up to it and do what you can to make amends. Not only will gain experience in showing your courage, but others will also grow in respect for you.

Practice Resilience

We all will inevitably face failure – how we deal with failure is the important thing. Getting up and continuing the journey takes courage. But once you get up after a fall, it will be easier to get up the next time because you’ll be braver each time you get back up. You will learn from your errors and from how you continue on in spite of them.

When you aim high and commit yourself to your goals, your courage will lift you up, help you navigate challenges, and empower you to continue on until you find success and accomplish your goals!

Embrace New Experiences

Don’t let age or circumstances stop you from trying new things and experiencing life to the fullest. Whatever your dreams may be, go for them! By trying something new – no matter how small – you take a step outside your comfort zone and build courage. Whether you choose a new direction, or a new direction becomes required by outside circumstances, you can adapt to the change by nurturing your courageousness.

We all have courage with us. By building your capacity to be resilient and courageous you will be better equipped to love yourself and adapt to life’s mishaps, by tapping into your inner resources.

Discover more resources on building your capacity to be resilient and courageous.


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