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Tips for Personal Energy Management
There are lots of apps and advice online for managing your time project workflows, but what about managing energy levels? Preventing fatigue is essential for staying productive and enjoying the activities you love.
The Power of Hope
One of the most impactful and powerful feelings you’ll ever experience is hope. Hope occurs when we center our expectations on something. There’s power in that expectation. Hope gives us power – here are some ways to harvest the power of hope.
The Art of Giving Up
Our culture encourages a never give up attitude. While that might be a good philosophy to live by the majority of the time, there comes a time when it makes sense to throw in the towel. No one wants to be a quitter, but quitting is actually the smartest choice in some circumstances. Is it time to give up? Let’s find out.
7 Ways to Create Momentum After Burnout
Momentum makes it easier to create change. It’s much harder to find the first client than to find the 10th. If you have to lose 50 pounds, the second 10 are easier to lose than the first 10. It’s just hard to get started when you’re trying to change something in your life. It’s easier to keep a boulder rolling than it is to get it started.
Move Your Way to Mindfulness
Meditation, and the mindfulness that this ancient practice inspires, continue to make headlines as a tool for healing, peace, and even success in business. But not everyone wants to sit quietly and observe the breath and passing thoughts in order to gain the benefits of mindfulness. If a sitting meditation is not for you, try a moving meditation practice instead.
What Is Your ONE Thing?
In all likelihood, you’re trying to be good at too many things. Trimming down your list of priorities can make you more effective. Focus your attention on the tasks that bring the most results.
What is the one thing that will move the needle in your career, relationship, or health? Have you ever thought about it? The one thing that matters is often challenging or unenjoyable, but you might have more free time if you did that one thing instead of the three other things you’ve been doing instead.