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Cultivating Your Originality
Creativity & Peak Performance Svetlana Dimovski Creativity & Peak Performance Svetlana Dimovski

Cultivating Your Originality

When we live our lives with originality, we can experience authenticity and a life that feels more meaningful.

Embracing your authentic self can lead to greater fulfillment and personal satisfaction. Authentic people exude charisma. Life will feel more meaningful when it is aligned with your true authentic self, and you will find it easier to take risks and be creative. By cultivating your originality, you can attract opportunities to make the impact you desire.

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Top 10 Reasons to be More Forgiving
Health & Wellness Svetlana Dimovski Health & Wellness Svetlana Dimovski

Top 10 Reasons to be More Forgiving

It’s not always easy to be forgiving. In fact, there are times when you might wish the worst for another person. However, this is a mistake. So much time and energy are wasted by holding a grudge. Most of the time, the other person doesn’t even know you’re thinking about them. They’ve already moved on.

It can be maddening, but there is an easy solution: Complete forgiveness. Challenging? Yes, but essential.

Why is forgiving someone so essential? 

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11 Powerful Benefits of Optimism

11 Powerful Benefits of Optimism

Everyone falls somewhere on the sliding scale between pessimism and optimism. There are advantages to each, but on average, optimism is a more nurturing solution. Optimism has so many benefits and can enhance your life in numerous ways.

You might consider optimism as a trait. Optimism, however, is a skill that can be developed through awareness, knowledge, and practice. Cultivating an optimistic perspective increases personal agency and your capacity to deal with headwinds and curveballs of life that are imminent.

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The Lost Art of Listening
Fulfillment & Self-Actualization Svetlana Dimovski Fulfillment & Self-Actualization Svetlana Dimovski

The Lost Art of Listening

With all the modern technology that we have for communicating with each other even across the world, it seems that most people have forgotten how to communicate clearly with someone who’s standing right next to them. In particular, listening has become a lost art.

That’s too bad, too, because knowing how to listen effectively can bring you a lot of benefits. It can strengthen both personal and professional relationships. It can help your marriage and boost your career.

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9 Easy Ways to Have More Meaningful Conversations
Health & Wellness, Leadership & Society Svetlana Dimovski Health & Wellness, Leadership & Society Svetlana Dimovski

9 Easy Ways to Have More Meaningful Conversations

Being an excellent conversationalist is part science and part art. For most of us, it takes practice to be successful at communicating verbally. There are plenty of little tricks and strategies you can use to enhance your conversation experience. You’ll enjoy your conversations more, and so will the other person.

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