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Putting Imposter Syndrome Behind You

Photo Credits: Unsplash

Do you feel uncomfortable or like a fraud about to be exposed when someone praises you or your work? Do you feel like your achievements are just a matter of luck? If so, you may be experiencing Imposter Syndrome.

Psychologists invented the term “Imposter Syndrome” while studying successful women in the 1970s (a time in which many women were newly working outside the home). We now know that men are just as likely to be affected by Imposter Syndrome as women. An estimated 70% of adults experience the symptoms of Imposter Syndrome at least occasionally. You may be especially vulnerable when you're trying something new or celebrating an important milestone like a job promotion.

Impostor syndrome may be caused by your personality or your childhood experience. Regardless of the cause, you can stop undermining yourself by learning to experience doubts without letting them interfere with the happiness and success you deserve. Tackle Imposter Syndrome by trying these tips for changing your thinking and your behavior:

Change Your Thinking

  1. Remember your achievements. Make a list of your achievements, and reflect on how they came about. Reflecting on your accomplishments and putting them in context will show you that they’re not flukes.

  2. Give yourself credit. Change your self-talk. When you find yourself becoming self-critical, flip the script and congratulate yourself, instead. By reframing your thoughts you will learn to view yourself in a more positive light.

  3. Accept your imperfections. Impostor syndrome is often associated with perfectionism. Embrace yourself unconditionally, including your strengths and weaknesses. We often accept others unconditionally but don’t always extend that acceptance to ourselves.

  4. Validate yourself. Live up to your own standards rather than relying on approval from others. You will gain a deeper appreciation of yourself and your accomplishments and will be less dependent on how others see you.

  5. Appreciate your effort. Do you regard struggling as a sign of weakness? In reality, success often requires careful planning and hard work, and even an element of struggle, or surpassing obstacles.

Change Your Behavior

  1. Talk it over. Impostor syndrome can be a difficult cycle to break because your first impulse is to cover it up. On the other hand, revealing your insecurities with a trusted friend, family member, therapist, or coach will help you to put them in perspective.

  2. Build a support network. Ask family and friends for help. Having the courage to be vulnerable with your support network will help boost your confidence and strengthen your relationships.

  3. Fight stereotypes. Feeling like an outsider can contribute to impostor syndrome. For example, maybe you’re much older or younger than your coworkers or come from a different background or perspective. Look for ways to turn that diversity into an advantage instead of feeling awkward about being different.

  4. Be spontaneous. With Imposter Syndrome, you may put unnecessary pressure on yourself by over-preparing for various events or activities. Try building spontaneity into your activities.

  5. Accept compliments. It can be especially challenging for those with Imposter Syndrome. to receive praise graciously, fighting the impulse to run and hide. Practice saying thank you sincerely. You’ll build your belief in yourself and create a more pleasant experience for both you and your admirers.

  6. Find a mentor. Changing how you feel about yourself can challenging. Working with a mentor will give you the benefit of ongoing feedback from someone you trust. You may also feel more accountable knowing that someone else is there to provide support.

  7. Teach others. Recognizing your areas of expertise can be hard you’re your knowledge and skills have built up slowly over time. Instructing others is an excellent way to not only self-validate your expertise but to learn more about yourself while providing a valuable service.

  8. Mindful relaxation. Challenging situations are likely to trigger an Imposter Syndrome response. You’ll find it easier to be authentic if you manage daily stress. Block out time for meditation and physical exercise. Slow down and take a deep breath if you find yourself starting to question your worth.

  9. Take risks. Impostor syndrome can hold you back from trying new things. Make a list of projects that excite you and as you try them out, take pleasure in learning as you go along.

As you start overcoming imposter syndrome you will start to feel more comfortable with yourself and begin to take more satisfaction in your achievements. Are you ready to discover additional resources to help with your personal growth journey? For a highly personalized and holistic approach to transformation, check out our Membership program and our professional coaching services.