Sublime Shift by Dharma Growth

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Fostering Kindness to Yourself

Photo Credits: Unsplash

Are you kind to yourself? In our busy world, we sometimes forget to look after ourselves. Being kind to yourself helps build emotional and spiritual wellness. Self-compassion is a skill critical to personal growth. Though this may feel daunting, it’s easy to build your self-kindness capability by starting small. Begin by simply recognizing when you’re having a difficult day and giving yourself permission to experience your emotions freely.

Here are some simple steps you can take to be kinder to yourself:


Forgive yourself. This might seem simple, but it’s often the hardest thing for many people to do. We often find it easier to forgive someone we love when they make a mistake Yet we are often too hard on ourselves and don’t offer ourselves that same forgiveness. Notice when you are self-critical and unforgiving and take a step back. Ask yourself how you would respond to a friend who had done the same thing. If you would forgive someone else, take that as permission to forgive yourself.

Nourish your physical health. Nourishing your physical health doesn’t have to be as complicated as it seems. Can you choose a slightly healthier option at lunch? Think about freezing meals in advance so you can avoid getting fast food. How can you add a little extra physical activity to your day? Could you walk to the store instead of driving? If you take public transportation, could you get off a stop early and walk the rest of the way?

Get help when you need it. It’s easy to assume that you’re on your own when it comes to dealing with difficult things. However, help is often available if you’re willing to ask for it. If you’re struggling at work with a range of tasks that are too much for you to handle on your own, speak to your boss and ask for guidance. If you are concerned about anxiety or your mental health, speak to a therapist or talk to your doctor about your options. Getting the right help when you need it can save you weeks and months of pain.

Spend time with loved ones. Want to make being kind to yourself seem easy? Spend some time with the people you love. The people you love will treat you with the compassion you deserve and help you to see why it’s so valuable to look after yourself. Ask your friends and relatives to help you see a problem from a different perspective. Or, if you are more of an introverted nature, you can simply enjoy a quiet activity together. Human beings are naturally social creatures. Spending time with others is one of the best things you can do to make yourself feel good and nurture your emotional health. It’s also a great way to prevent yourself from isolating yourself when you’re feeling down.

Add self-care to your calendar. We often find it difficult to carve time out of our busy schedules for self-care on a regular basis. If you’re struggling to find time to look after yourself, try adding a dedicated “self-care” day to your routine. Mark it into your calendar just like a meeting at work. Choose self-care day activities that will help you feel good, such as taking a long bath, reading a book, taking a hike, personal coaching, playing a sport with friends, or even meditation or deep breathing.

Sleep well. Ensure that you get enough sleep each night. Most adults do well with 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Improve the quality of your sleep by creating a bedtime routine. Sleep in a dark room, and on a comfortable bed. Avoid looking at your phone, computer, or TV, and also avoid alcohol, caffeine, or a heavy meal before bed. Think about recharging with a little extra sleep – grab a blanket and take a nap, if you feel the need!

Being kinder to yourself comes with a host of benefits! Do something nice for yourself each day, and soon you’ll be enjoying it as a regular part of your daily routines. For additional resources or to explore personalized coaching, check out our Signature Membership options.